After The Fire
June 09, 2005

Two months ago this view of Trinity Cathedral from Frederick Street would have been impossible. That was before fire erupted in the People's Mall across the road in the early hours of Saturday 9th April, leading to a day-long battle between the flames and the ill-equipped fire service personnel.
By the time it was over, this entire section at the corner of Frederick and Queen Streets, a major intersection in downtown Port of Spain, had been totally gutted, destroying several prominent stores including the Pizza Boys restaurant, jewellers Y De Lima's, clothing and fabric stores, and others. Damages were estimated at roughly US$5 million and the entire city was inconvenienced for more than a month while demolition of the gutted buildings was carried out. This section of Frederick Street was only recently reopened to vehicular traffic.
The new view of the Trinity Cathedral in the background shows the gaping hole in its spire, a casualty of flying cinders.
The point of view renders the burned feeling quite well.
Sad! At least the where not life losses, I hope. Last year a Supermarket burned in Asuncion, Paraguay's capital, and there were more than 300 victims.
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