Chairs and Doors
January 14, 2005

It's easy when taking photos of architecture to focus too much on the structure as a whole, whether it's a quaint cottage, massive skyscraper, or colonial plantation house. Sometimes the larger picture is simply so stunning that you overlook the smaller details.
When you take time to look, though, to wander around with your legs, eyes and mind, that's when you find photos like this. I must have walked by this gallery a half dozen times before I framed this scene with the line of old-fashioned moulded doors with louvres at the top, and the wrought iron chairs and table in the space between the doorways.
This is probably my favourite photo of 2005 so far. Though it is early days yet.
Posted by phototakeouter at 08:04 PM
| Comments (4)
wow. wonderful shot. love the abstract look of this shot. thanks so much for your kind words on my photoblog today.
very nice detail shot, I love the depth of field
This is very nice indeed. You're right about missing details; I'm not good at seeing pictures like this. Good eye!
This is such a great shot! I love it's uniformity. It's so structured even down to the lines on the brickwork and the tiles on the floor. Excellent, well done :-)
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